About Us

Thank you for your interest in St. Elizabeth's Church

St. Elizabeth's is a welcoming and friendly church situated on Cadge Road in the heart of North Earlham. The church is part of the Parish of Earlham.

We currently run a Give & Take project at St Elizabeth's on Wednesdays 9-9.45 am. Members of the local community who are experiencing difficulties can come and top up their household supplies as our stock allows at no charge. We also provide a takeaway hot drink of tea or coffee. We encourage people to bring in any unwanted store cupboard supplies that we can use as stock. 

St. Elizabeth's is a non-traditional, spacious building offering a creative and flexible space for worship, children's activities, community events and conversation. We have strong relations with the local schools and often welcome classes to visit the church. 

At present we are worshipping each Sunday at St Anne's, Colman Road at 10 am, all are welcome. We also have a youtube service at 10am. Check our website or Facebook for the link

Check out our website: www.earlham.church