Facilities and features


Toilets are in the main hall across a narrow road from the church itself

These are in the toilet for the disabled

In the garden next to the church

This can be difficult on weekdays but on Sundays one can park on the streets around the church.

There is a toilet for the disabled, with wheelchair access to the halls from the door on Herring Fishery Score.

There are two parking spaces close to the wall of the church on the south side.

This is positioned on the south east corner of the church

It is possible the wheel scooters, wheelchairs and pushchairs straight into the church - no ramp required.

Available in church and halls

Large print Bibles are available on request

Our Building

Christ Church is not a listed building but is in a conservation area.

Music and Worship

We have live music at our services: organ, piano, drums, clarinet, guitars, etc.

Our organist play in the mornings only

We have an informal choir at each service.

Worship band

Groups, Courses and Activities

Bible study
Discipleship course
Messy Church
Parents and toddlers

Help for Visitors

Free wifi

Other Features

Hall for Hire