Following the recent collapse of part of the ceiling in Cleobury North Church our building was CLOSED.
We have now discovered that we have dry rot in the roof and a roof that needs substantial repairs.
Sadly we have no fabric fund and no reserves so our beautiful, historic church is under threat!
PLEASES HELP URGENTLY – we need to raise thousands of pounds for these repairs and to enable us to apply for grant funding.
MAKE A DONATION - online donations to our repair appeal can be made here.
Support our Fundraising Events
25th November 2023, 10.30am until 1.30pm - Christmas Fair at Cleobury North Village Hall with Refreshments
Organised by Neenton Church in aid of Cleobury North Church Repairs Appeal.
Tables £10 each. Donations for Tombola welcome. Volunteers needed to help with refreshments, bake cakes, set up the hall etc. Please contact Dot Cartwright for further information on 07854 559474.