A note from our Rector about Christmas Services 2020

Dear Friends

We’re really sad and sorry to have to announce that both the Midnight Mass on Christmas Eve and the Christmas Day Family Service at St Andrew’s Presteigne have been cancelled.

When we scheduled these services the Coronavirus situation across the UK – and particularly in Wales – was very different. However, with the serious increase in cases and hospitalizations seen in the last few days and the imposition of heavier restrictions, the Church Wardens and I feel that running these services, which always bring in large numbers of visitors, poses too high a risk to the safety and well-being of all present.

The protection of our church members and our community is of the highest importance to us and we do not feel that we can offer these services with the same level of Covid-security that we have maintained in everything else we have done since the pandemic began.

We are far from alone in this – indeed, many churches across the country are severely limiting the number and nature of their services this Christmas.

We will, however, still be offering the Carol Service on Sunday 20th December at 6.30 and a Short Service of Holy Communion on Sunday 27th at 11am. The ‘Come and Behold Him!’ event will also continue as planned on Tuesday 22nd, Wednesday 23rd, and Christmas Eve from 4-6pm. The church will also be open to visitors for much of Christmas Day – why not drop in at some point to enjoy the Crib Scene and a moment or two of peace and quiet?

The services in Lingen, Kinsham and Knill will continue as advertised, but attendance is limited to the local congregations due to the small number of worshippers we can accommodate.

Although there is no service at Discoed this Christmas, the church will be open for visitors with the lights and heating on all day on Christmas Day.

This decision to cancel the two services in Presteigne has been a very difficult one to make, but we hope you will understand and accept the reasons behind it.

With our apologies for the disappointment and any inconvenience.

The Rector and Churchwardens