Services in the Presteigne Group of Parishes on Sunday 22 August

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Services in the Presteigne Group of Parishes on Sunday 22 August (Trinity 12) are as follows:

9.30 Holy Communion (Book of Common Prayer: traditional language) Kinsham

11.00 Holy Communion (Common Worship: modern language) Presteigne

We are gradually relaxing the precautions taken to help prevent the spread of Covid-19, but please be aware that face coverings must still be worn for the duration of services, unless you are exempt, and we discourage chatting within the church buildings. But everyone is very welcome, whether you are long-standing residents of the area, newcomers to our community or visitors

You can find the Collect and Readings for the day elsewhere on this page.

[Photo: Communion at Hereford Cathedral c. Ash Mills]