Michael Tavinor will lead a four-week Lenten Study Course exploring different hymn traditions, on Friday afternoons in March at 2pm, in Presteigne's Catholic, Anglican, Methodist and Baptist Churches in turn. All welcome

14 February 7pm Ash Wednesday service in Presteigne

20 and 27 February, 5, 12 and19 March 7pm Compline at Discoed

A Short Morning Service 2023.docx
Collect & Readings Next before Lent 2023.docx

9.15 Holy Communion (BCP) Knill

9.30 Holy Communion (BCP) Kinsham

11.00 Holy Communion (BCP) Presteigne


9.30 Holy Communion (BCP) Lingen
11.00 Choral Holy Communion) Presteigne