About Us

St Edmund's is the parish church in the market town of Shipston.

We are church that offers a warm welcome to people of all backgrounds, at all stages of their faith journey. Some of us have been Christians for many years, others would not call themselves Christians. We offer space to worship, to explore the Christian faith and to ask questions. Services are relaxed and friendly, and there is a children's area for young children.

Our quiet midweek Eucharist is also a good place to get to know people. Both that and our Sunday morning services have refreshments afterwards and a chance to pray with someone if that is what you would like.

As the parish church, St Edmund's has strong links with the community and provides space for civic celebrations and services. We work closely with our sister churches from other denominations in the town.

We enjoy welcoming families for christenings and weddings - for further details, please get in touch.

St Edmund's is an Inclusive Church - we believe a church should celebrate and affirm every person and not discriminate. Full details of Inclusive Church and its statement can be found at https://www.inclusive-church.org/the-ic-statement/

St Edmund's PCC takes safeguarding seriously and has adopted the Diocese of Coventry and national Church of England Safeguarding policy. Full details of the policy and organisations who can help are displayed in the church and more information is on http://www.dioceseofcoventry.org/Safeguarding. 

If you are concerned that someone you know is at risk of, or is being abused, or presents a risk to another person, please seek advice from a Safeguarding Adviser or if necessary report the matter to the Local Authority Social Care Services of the Police without delay.

Our Parish Safeguarding Officer is Marion Jones, [email protected]

The number of the Coventry Diocesan Safeguarding Team is 024 7652 1345, and this is a 24 hour number. The Diocesan Safeguarding Officer is Sarah Price.