Miranda Keys - Concert of Opera, Spiritual & Show Music

On Sunday 18th February Miranda Keys came to Horsington church and gave one of the best concerts I have ever been to. She is a professional opera singer who sings Wagner in her working life, but loves Italian opera and musicals, so likes having the opportunity to sing these to audiences outside the opera house. We were treated to Mozart’s Ave Maria, Nessun Dorma, O Mio Babbino Caro, and the drinking song from La Traviata, interspersed with songs from Phantom of the Opera and Les Miserables. The audience loved the music and we all loved Miranda. She is a truly engaging person who introduced the songs with anecdotes from her life, and all with a wonderfully infectious smile. The atmosphere in the church was one of pure joy and happiness. We were all smiling from start to finish. Miranda’s voice is pure, beautiful and very very loud! Having only heard an opera singer from the top level of the an opera house, I was stunned by the volume, yet with such beauty and delicacy – and all without a microphone.

Miranda stayed to chat with us while we enjoyed the lovely cream tea that was laid on for the event – thank you to all those who brought food. It was clear that the audience would like her to return and Miranda herself would love to come back. On this occasion the audience was not very large, probably because of the awful rain, but we hope to spread the word about what an event this was – a truly talented singer in our little village! There is talk of an autumn or even a Christmas concert, so watch this space, and don’t miss it next time!   

Susan Maltin