About Us

This is a small, lively village church. Our service pattern includes both family & informal services.
All ages are welcome and catered for in our worship and activities. The atmosphere is relaxed and yet services are reverential with a feeling of warmth and worship. There are groups for children and young people. 
With the neighbouring parish of Dorney we form a single benefice and many of our activities are run jointly by the two parishes.
We have several home groups and also run introductory courses.

The East Window of this church is unusual in that it contains a reproduction of Holman Hunt’s picture ‘The Light of the World’.

The church needs funds for its ongoing work. If you wish to help by making a regular donation a form using the Parish Giving Scheme is here, please see the Terms and Conditions here.

If you would prefer to make a one off donation a suitable gift aid form is available here

Our parish is committed to safeguarding: for details please see our web site.

Or you can donate by text or online using the National funding Scheme here