News from the Church w.c. 11.04.21

Church_news Easter Community_news News_about_our_building Notices

Jigsaw Puzzles 

There has been a marvellous response for donations/returns, and there are LOADS at the back of church – separated into 1000s and 500s. 

Vaccine Twinning

If you’d like to make a donation in thanksgiving for your own vaccination to poorer nations, you can via n-to-help-get-the-covid-vaccine-to-the-worlds?poorest/ 


The deadline for the May issue is on Wednesday week, 21 April. Although people may have had more time on their hands, there hasn’t been much contributed in the last few months! Please think about writing an article and letting George Coles have it by the deadline. 

26 Trinity Street 

This property will shortly be on the market. After several years’ hard work, the Charity Commissioners have approved a new deed of trust very much more in favour of Holy Trinity. We do not own the building: it is held in trust for our exclusive use by the diocese. We are incredibly grateful to David Lovelock for his professional legal advice and to the diocese for their help, especially in underwriting considerable expenses. Also to Fr Julian who has brought all things together. 


Trudi Watkins reports that £69.04 has been repaid against loans made. A fuller report will be in next month’s Outlook. We are grateful to Trudi for all her efforts towards this vital scheme, assisting the poor in Zambia and elsewhere. 

Zoom calls

This week’s Zoom joining details:

Sunday Coffee Chat, Sundays 11.30am LaExMNEdMb0ZNdWZMVGRWYjhBUT09 

Morning Prayer, Tues-Sun, 9.00am lPaWIvUXNKeUdDbDk1bzhYUT09 

*Any items for inclusion in next week’s notice sheet to be received at the Parish Office by Thursday morning,