For Families, For Everyone

Junior Church

Every Sunday during term time, the Junior Church meets in the Church Hall. This is for school-aged children, though of course younger siblings are welcome with their parents. They follow a course of work, involving music, drawing, and craft, based on the same Sunday readings as the grown ups do in church.

Children meet at 10am in the Hall, and rejoin the main congregation, and their families, at 10.40am for the last half an hour. Sometimes they sing at the end of the service, or else talk about what they've done.

Sylvia Paul and Pat Deal run the Junior Church, and are always pleased to welcome new children. If you'd like to know more, please contact them through the Parish Office.

Children's Corner

This is not a corner where you're sent if you're naughty! Rather, it is a well-equipped carpeted area at the back of church where parents can sit with their children if they wish at any point in the service. Some parents come in during the service; others may go to the back if their children get bored - as if!

Under the seats around the walls are crates with cushions, toys and books to keep any youngster - and quite a few adults! - happy.

Children are always welcome, and the corner is part of the welcome we offer. Also don't forget the Junior Church!