News headlines for w.c. 03/11/19

Notices News_about_our_building Community_news From_the_Vicar Church_news

Raffle Tickets for the Grand Draw at Christmas are now available. Please take as many as you can to enable as much money to be raised as possible, urgently needed for church funds. Thank you.

Christmas Fair… Preparations are being made for our annual Fair on 30 Nov, 12-2 at the church. Please sign against a stall if you can assist, or even run one (new ideas welcome)! Donations for the Christmas Food and the Drinks hampers would also be gratefully received.

Christmas Crossword If you fancy a gentle brain teaser, this one’s just for you and is available after services for just £1. Return your completed quiz and you’ll be put in the draw for a prize! Good luck…!

Forgotten Feet Podiatrist volunteers give foot care to the homeless in Taunton. They urgently need shoes and underwear for both men and women. Please see the article in Outlook next month for more details. Shoes do not need to be new but should be sturdy. There will be a box at the back of church for your donations. Thank you

LMG Morning Prayer this Friday will be at St Andrew’s at 9.30am.

Outlook, the church’s monthly magazine, is available for collection/ delivery today. Don’t forget yours!,

Church Notice Board Although we replaced the two panes of glass, within a week another had been broken. We have both a witness and photos of those thought to be responsible, and these details will be passed onto the police.

Weekday Services With the onset of much cooler weather, services Monday-Friday will be held in the Vestry, which is easier to heat.

Remembrance Sunday is next week. The traditional Acts of Remembrance will be observed at 11.00am during the Parish Mass. Please do come, ‘Lest we forget’.