News for w.c. 22.12.19

christmas Church_news From_the_Vicar Community_news News_about_our_building Notices

Lend with Care £30 was collected and will be sent off as soon as possible. The money will be invested in solar power for isolated villages. There are more details about the charity in ‘Outlook’. Thank you all for your support.

Forgotten Feet Thank you for your generosity with the boots, shoes and underwear donated for homeless people.

Manna Copies of Manna and Forward are available at the back of the church.

Carols by Candlelight The church’s traditional carol service will be tonight at 6.30pm. Please come along and bring some friends. Donations of mince pies for afterwards would be much appreciated. Please sign the list at the back of the church.

Christmas Decorations A lot of work has already been done to prepare the church- thank you all who have helped. Help/donations towards Christmas flowers would be much appreciated; please see Sylvy Paul for details.

Outlook The Christmas issue of ‘Outlook’ is available for distribution/collection today. Please don’t forget to pick up your copy.

Christmas Services Please note the changes to the times of services this week. The Friday Mass will be at 10, so they’ll be no soup lunch, and there will be an extra mass on Saturday at 10am, to honour the Holy Innocents. Services next Sunday will be at the usual time.

Epiphany Party Tickets have been selling well for the parish party on the 11th day of Christmas, Saturday 4th January at 7pm. These are available after services or via the Office at only £5.

Home Communions If you know of anyone who is unable to come to church because of illness or frailty, please let the clergy know.

Readers’ Rota The new rota is now available. If you’d like to be include on future rotas, please see George Coles.

Christmas Cards Thank you to Horatiu Morar for not only for paying for the cards, but also delivering them ALL on our behalf.

The New Daylight bible study books are ready for collection; £4.60 to John Rudge, please.