News from HT w.c. 24/04/22

Easter Notices Church_news News_about_our_building From_the_Vicar Community_news
NOTICESUkraine Thank you everyone who supported yesterday’s Bring and Buy in aid of the Ukraine. It was a very happy and successful occasion; the total raised will be announced at today’s services.

Annual Meetings Reports have been circulated electronically; a few hard copies are available for the morning’s annual meetings after the Parish Mass. Please do attend them if you can.

Organist we are grateful to John Eyles for playing this morning – it is most kind of him. Simon Gaunt will be returning as organist officically from 1 July, although he will be playing at some services before then.

Gardening Don’t forget next Saturday’s ‘garden party’ tidying up the church grounds between 2 and 4. If possible, please bring your own tools and take the efforts of your own work home to dispose of! Refreshments will be avaiable.

Walsingham Festival at Exeter Cathedral This year sees the centenary of the re-founding of the Anglian Shrine at Walsingham. To celebrate this, there will be a number regional festivals, the nearest being Exeter on 21 May, starting at 11.30am. To book your (free) ticket(s), please do so through Eventbrite Just click on this link!

Readers’ Rota The new rota from this Sunday is available for readers to collect. If you would like to be included on the next one, please see George Coles. Our grateful thanks to all those who fulfil this important ministry.

Fr Julian will not be available Monday-Thursday this week, as he will on leave for his Easter break (but not on a desert island - sadly!).