News from Holy Trinity w.c. 08/05/22

Easter Notices Church_news News_about_our_building From_the_Vicar Community_news


New Bishop of Bath and Wells It was announced by Downing St that the next Bishop of Bath and Wells will be the Rt Revd Michael Beasley. Bishop Beasley is presently Bishop of Hertford in the St Albans diocese, and will be joining us in the early autumn.

Organist We welcome Simon Gaunt to play again for us this morning. He will be filling in on several Sundays before taking on the role of Director of Music from July 1st.

Walsingham Festival at Exeter Cathedral This year sees the centenary of the re-founding of the Anglian Shrine at Walsingham. To celebrate this, there will be a number regional festivals, the nearest being Exeter on 21 May, starting at 11.30am. To book your (free) ticket(s), please do so through Eventbrite just click on this link!

Outlook May Issue May’s copy of ‘Outlook’ is available online, so please download and read it! A few hard copies are still available at the back of the church.

Glastonbury Abbey Fr Julian will be celebrating Mass at Glastonbury Abbey this Tuesday at 10.30am. There are spare seats in his car if anyone would like to join him!.

Elections Liz is drawing up a new rota of sidespeople, now that Covid restrictions have been sufficiently relaxed. Please let Liz know if you’d like to be involved, either as an ‘old hand’ or a newbie. Training will be given.


Any items for inclusion in next week’s Notice Sheet to be received at the Parish Office (on paper, email or phone) by THURSDAY MORNING, please.