New Spire at All Saints’

Due to the dangerous condition of the spire the church formed a steering group to investigate options on repair. The architect,  who submitted the Quinquennial had also given a quote for repair for a staggering £217,861 which demoralised everyone as it seemed an impossible amount of money to raise. Covid then happened and lockdown so little could be done.

Finally we were able to get three quotes:

A. From the Architect the original quote now came in at £240,000 . 

B.  A fix & supply of pre fabricated sections over the existing structure £60,000

C. Western Steeplejack who had previously done a repair in 2006 were asked to tender and quoted £25,000 for replacement of shingles using red cedar.

The PCC decided to go with Option C, an appeal was made and granted by the Chancellor at Bath & Wells to remove all conditions attached to Quote A.

An application for a Faculty on the works went off in the summer of 2021 and a Fundraising Group was set up with various events taking place over the following months. The fund raising went on relentlessly with well supported events. Members of the congregation baked 100s of scones, cakes for coffee mornings and afternoon teas, strawberry events, quiz nights and summer fetes all took place to raise money. Fundraising brought everyone closer together and it felt like a family pulling together with an ultimate aim. Bovis Homes who were building in the area gave £1,000 to the fund and work went on to secure various grants but because a Faculty wasn’t granted work was held up until October 2021.

Replacing the shingles was a slow process along with bad weather problems, underestimating the amount of shingles resulting in two more deliveries and then the discovery that the windows had not been included in the original quote resulting in more delay. Finally ten days before the year from starting the spire was finished and watertight, it looked so good with a 40year guarantee on the shingles it stands proud for many years to come all at a final cost of just under £22,000.

The PCC described it as a “ brilliant effort” by everyone and it really was, THANK YOU .