
St Luke’s Blackburn is strongly committed to the safeguarding, care and nurture of all children, young people and vulnerable adults within the church and wider community. We actively encourage an environment where all people (especially those most at risk) are able to mix with others and worship in safety.

We are committed to the implementation of the Church of England’s Safeguarding Policies and Procedures, and the relevant statutory legislation and guidance. A high standard of safeguarding training is regularly upheld for all staff and volunteers working with under 18s and vulnerable adults, including enhanced DBS checks.

If you have any questions about safeguarding or are concerned that a child, young person or vulnerable adult has been or may be in danger of abuse, neglect or modern slavery then please inform the Safeguarding Officer immediately.

Alan Gault (Parish Safeguarding Officer): 07850689946 | [email protected] 

Rachel Gardner (Deputy Safeguarding Officer): 07916 349323 | [email protected]

If you would like to speak with someone outside of the church, please contact Cath Smith (Diocesan Safeguarding Officer) on 07711485170 or [email protected]

For any further information, please look at the website -