
We were unable to provide opening hours. Please contact the Church for more information

Fr Jordan Bentliff (Curate)
01257 438000

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We are a child/family-friendly, and welcoming church.

We are also a traditional church, Resolutions A, B & C have been passed. This means that people can feel confident that only the catholic faith is preached and only male priests preside at services. We are in sympathy with Forward in Faith and The Society of St. Wilfrid and  St. Hilda.

Confessions, Baptisms and Weddings are by appointment with the Vicar.


BREAKING NEWS.......... We have just begun our AD2013 Street Level Mission entitled: 'Invited Intercession Initiative (III for short).'  Our poster states:


"Each  week we will bring to the foot of the cross in prayer the people of named streets in our parish.

They will have been invited during the previous week to bring their needs and thanksgivings to Church on Sunday.

The main parish Mass will be offered for them and for all who live on those streets.

Please join me in praying that this initiative will bear fruit in souls brought (back) to Christ."


III Mission Prayer

"Father we ask you to bless our Initiative with success!

May it sow seeds of faith in the hearts of the people of this parish.

May they come to feel your love for them in their hearts and respond with thankfulness and praise along with us in worship.

We make our prayer through Our Lord Jesus Christ your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God now and forever. Amen."




Moor Road

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