Church changes during Covid-19


We are pleased that we are now able to reopen St James to members of the congregation and community, albeit with changes to our regular pattern of worship

The main Sunday morning communion service will start 30mins earlier, at 9.00am to allow sufficient time between this service and the one at St Pauls. It will be a said service, as singing is not currently permitted in churches, and members of the congregation will not receive the host (the bread and wine) directly but will recieve spiritually.  Spaces will be set to maintain social distancing and the congregation are asked to wear a face covering for the mutual benefit of each other.

Midweek services will not resume as yet, but we plan that the church will be open for private prayer on 5 occasions during the week: Tuesday & Thursday 11am-1.00pm and 5pm-7pm and Sunday afternoon 2-4pm (dependent on staffing).

We are continuing to broadcast the Sunday morning service live on St James Facebook page each week whilst there are still members of the congregation who are unable to attend in person