Heading Back into Lockdown

It has been a privilege to be able to worship together for the last few months during the Covid pandemic but now we are asked to stay at home again to ease the spread of the virus. Our church building will be closed until the end of February.

The Churchwardens write,

After some careful consideration and with deep regret, the standing committee and Rev Nigel are recommending we close the church until the end of February at which time we can review the local situation.

Despite careful preparation for everyone's safety we have agreed that the risk of spreading the new variant of Covid is too great at present. Whilst considering this decision Lancashire County Council Public Health department has asked that all faith communities consider closing to prayer and worship for the time being. We will use social media to share this information but will rely greatly on people contacting each other by message and telephone. We are happy to discuss this in more detail if anyone would like to contact either of us. Please stay safe, pray for each other and keep in touch,

Best wishes,

David Hawthorne & Louise Garnett 

Church Wardens