Weekly News Sheet

St Nicholas Parish Church Fleetwood. Week beginning 15th October 2023

We seek to be a church that lives by faith, is known by love and

is a voice of hope to the community we serve.

Website https://www.achurchnearyou.com/church/11671

Sunday 15th October Harvest Festival

8.30 am Holy Communion in Church

9.30 am Worship on Zoom

10.45 am Holy Communion in Church Sidespersons: Karen & June. Reader: Joy

12.00 pm Jacob’s Join and Harvest fun in the Broadway Rooms

12.30 pm Baptisms of Elias and Michael McLoughlin Welcome and set up: Chris Butler

4.00 pm Family & Co in the Broadway Rooms

Monday 16th October

12.00 pm Funeral of Jo Crosswell in Church

Tuesday 17th October

10.15 am Funeral of William Greene in Church

2.00 pm Holy Communion in Church

Thursday 19th October

12.45 pm Funeral of Arthur Armstrong in Church

Friday 20th October

9.00 am Little Gang in the Broadway Rooms

12.30 pm Funeral of Emmi-Rae Taylor in Church

Sunday 22nd October

8.30 am Holy Communion in Church

9.30 am Worship on Zoom

10.45 am Holy Communion in Church Sidespersons: Elizabeth & Margaret. Reader: Karen

4.00 pm Family & Co in the Broadway Rooms


Harvest Celebrations: We had a super Messy Church yesterday with lots of children and families attending from Little Gang and Family & Co, with some new faces too. Big thanks to all who were involved in the planning and delivery of it.

Today we will have our own celebrations, giving thanks to God for his bountiful goodness to us and providing us with an opportunity to respond to those rich blessings. Items of dried food and tins will be collected and taken to Streetlife, a homeless charity in Blackpool and money raised from the ‘auction’ taking place at the Jacob’s Join lunch will be added to the donations already made to the Bishop’s Harvest Appeal.

Edna Jenkins RIP: On Wednesday we had a service of thanksgiving in church as we said farewell to Edna who has been a loved member of St Nic’s for many years and a regular attender at the Tuesday Eucharist. Edna’s family are arranging for a bench in her memory to be placed on the Promenade looking out to sea, where she used to love to sit. If anyone would like to make a donation in memory of Edna you can do this through Co-op Funeral Directors in Cleveleys or alternatively the Vicar will be happy to pass your donations on to the family.

John Richardson: Good news! John is recovering well and has returned home from hospital in the last few days. He has also been successful in obtaining a new flat which will aid his recuperation. At the back of church there is a list of items which would really help John get back on his feet. If you are able to provide anything from the list, would you be good enough to cross it off and bring it to the Vicarage this coming week? Alternatively ring the Vicarage and we’ll arrange to collect it from you.

“And all the believers met together in one place and shared everything they had.” Acts 2:42

Please remember in your prayers: Peter Dell, Barry Ellis, Rev Jane Everitt, Rev Martin Keighley, John Richardson, Elizabeth King, Mark Price, Rebekah, and Craig Abson. And the families of Jo Crosswell, Emmi Rae Taylor, Arthur Armstrong and William Greene whose funerals are due to take place.