Daily Prayer

Every day at for 30 mins
See venues and times in the menu
See venues and times in the menu, FY7, United Kingdom

We are so delighted to have welcomed Rev Andrew Downes to St Peter and St David in Fleetwood. It has marked the start of united daily prayer in the mornings and evenings on a round robin basis. Please see the times and locations in the menu, under 'Daily Prayer' Everyone is welcome to join us in these daily offices. If you have a Smartphone, you may wish to download the 'Daily Prayer: from CofE app which you will find in your app store. Otherwise books and bibles will be made available.

Community Coffee Morning

Every Thursday at for 1 hour, 30 mins
St Nicholas Church Fleetwood,
Highbury Ave, Fleetwood, Lancashire,, FY7 7DJ, United Kingdom

St Nicholas Church, Broadway, Fleetwood invites you to come along on Thursdays for a brew and a chat. Please feel welcome to come on your own or with a friend.
Just come as you are. Free of charge.

Private Prayer in Church each weekday

Every day at for 1 hour, 30 mins
St Nicholas Church Fleetwood,
Highbury Ave, Fleetwood, Lancashire,, FY7 7DJ, United Kingdom

St Nicholas Church is open each week day morning for private prayer.
Feel welcome to pop in and sit in the quietness.
Often lighting a candle can represent your prayers when words can not be found.

St Nic's Little Gang

Every Friday at for 1 hour, 30 mins
St Nicholas Church Fleetwood,
Highbury Ave, Fleetwood, Lancashire,, FY7 7DJ, United Kingdom

A Christian pre-schoolers group. Healthy snacks, play, songs and a bible story.

Term Time

Sunday 8.30 am

Every Sunday at for 45 mins
St Nicholas Church Fleetwood,
Highbury Ave, Fleetwood, Lancashire,, FY7 7DJ, United Kingdom

8.30 am Holy Communion in Church. Quiet service includes readings and homily, but without hymns.

Worship Via Zoom

Every Sunday at for 45 mins
St Nicholas Church Fleetwood,
Highbury Ave, Fleetwood, Lancashire,, FY7 7DJ, United Kingdom

We have a worshipping community who join together on Zoom every Sunday for a service of the word. If you would like to join us then please phone the Vicar 01253 874402 for the link. You would be most welcome join us.

Sunday 10.45 am

Every Sunday at for 1 hour
St Nicholas Church Fleetwood,
Highbury Ave, Fleetwood, Lancashire,, FY7 7DJ, United Kingdom

Family Holy Communion in church followed by coffee and cake and a catch up!

Family & Co

Every Sunday at for 1 hour
St Nicholas Church Fleetwood,
Highbury Ave, Fleetwood, Lancashire,, FY7 7DJ, United Kingdom

It's at 4.00 pm in the church hall every Sunday. This is a short service with songs, bible reading, teaching and fun! Perfect for families or those who prefer a less formal occasion of worship. We start with a brew and some cake and we finish by 5.00 pm

Community Singing for Pleasure

Every Tuesday at for 1 hour, 15 mins
St Nicholas Church Fleetwood,
Highbury Ave, Fleetwood, Lancashire,, FY7 7DJ, United Kingdom

Come along to a nice warm space, have a brew and a singalong. You don't have to be a great singer, just need to enjoy singing. Everyone is welcome. It's good for the soul.

Tuesday Holy Communion

Every Tuesday at for 30 mins
St Nicholas Church Fleetwood,
Highbury Ave, Fleetwood, Lancashire,, FY7 7DJ, United Kingdom

This is a quiet service of Holy Communion in the middle of the day.
It's followed by refreshments and a good natter!