Swindon Borough Remembrance Commemorations

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In the absence of a Bishop of Swindon this year, Simon has been asked by the Bishop of Bristol to lead the townwide services of Remembrance in his capacity as Mayor’s Chaplain.

Please remember our Mayor, Councillor Barbara Parry in your prayers along with all those taking part.

There are two services at The Cenotaph, firstly on Armistice Day Saturday 11th November at 11am and secondly on Remembrance Sunday 12th November.

Please gather from 10.30am for the services.

We also have our 10am Family Holy Communion with Act of Remembrance at Christ Church this Sunday – led by The Revd.Norma McKemey with Genny Williams preaching.

In addition, please can I encourage you to visit the Field of Remembrance at Lydiard Park any time over the next fortnight. It is an amazing site. There are short services every afternoon at 2pm. This was featured on Points West on Wednesday 1st November.

Please remember our colleagues Clive Deverell and Trevor Day in your prayers as they lead this outreach.

You can find out more about the Fields of Remembrance at: 


Thank you gratefully, Simon.

#christchurchswindon #remembranceweek2023