Oare String Orchestra autumn concert

for 2 hours
St Mary of Charity
Church Road, off East Street Faversham Kent, ME13 8GZ, United Kingdom

Oare String Orchestra's final concert of the year, featuring cellist Julie Peat in Haydn's Cello Concerto in C, plus Offenbach's "Tears of Jacqueline", Lennox Berkeley's "Serenade", and Mozart's sparkling Symphony #29.

Tickets £15 at the door, accompanied school children free of charge. Hot drinks will be available!

A Time to Mourn, A Time to Dance

for 1 hour, 30 mins
St Mary of Charity
Church Road, off East Street Faversham Kent, ME13 8GZ, United Kingdom

A Time to Mourn, a Time to Dance is an hour-long double bill presented by Springs Dance Company. An intimate, uplifting dance show choreographed by Lizzi Kew Ross and Heather Richmond. Created after the pandemic, the performance offers an opportunity to reflect on grief, human connection, and joy, and is ultimately a celebration of life.
Tickets £10; under 18's free if accompanied by a ticket-holding adult.
More info from favershambenefice.org/whats-on, book your tickets via openfaversham.info/events and scroll to the bottom of the screen.

A New Spirit

for 1 hour, 30 mins
St Mary of Charity
Church Road, off East Street Faversham Kent, ME13 8GZ, United Kingdom

A concert to launch the latest album by the Caritas Chamber Choir - A New Spirit - featuring new works by Sir James MacMillan, Henrik Dahlgren, Phillip Cook and Andrew Smith alongside traditional choral works.

At St Mary of Charity, 6pm, Sunday, 13 October 2024 - tickets £10 from eventbrite.co.uk. The CD will be available to buy at the concert.

Come and Sing Faure's Requiem

for 2 hours, 30 mins
St Mary of Charity
Church Road, off East Street Faversham Kent, ME13 8GZ, United Kingdom

Advance notice - Come and Sing with Faversham Voices and Faversham Choral Society. 1pm rehearsal with the performance starting at 5pm.

More details to follow...