Daily Scripture & Reflection

From_the_Vicar Notices

Daily Scripture

‘For with the Lord there is steadfast love, and with him is great power to redeem.’  <span style="font-size: 1rem;">(Psalm 130 v7)</span>

Daily Reflection

There is no one in the world who could ever love you as much as Jesus does. His love is “steadfast” - it doesn’t lessen if you behave badly, it doesn’t increase the more good things you do – because He couldn’t love you any more than He does right now, right at this moment of you reading this! There are no rules and regulations in the Christian faith that you have to follow to make God love you. He loves you just as you are. He is the only one with the power to redeem lives, to bring good out of bad, and to make things right.

Vicki Young