Daily Scripture & Reflection

From_the_Vicar Notices

Daily Scripture

“Hide me in the shadow of your wings” Psalm 17.8

Daily Reflection

‘Wings‘ naturally make us think of flying, soaring up into the sky. The prophet Malachi says how God, the Sun of righteousness, ‘will arise with healing in his wings‘, and Isaiah asserts that ‘those who wait upon the Lord...shall mount up with wings as eagles‘. Wonderful images. But throughout the Bible, especially the Psalms, wings more often signify comfort and protection. Jesus himself said sadly that he longed to gather the children of Jerusalem to him as a mother hen gathers her chicks under her wings.

‘To take someone under your wing’ is to offer comfort and protection, guidance and support. As God’s children we rejoice to be ‘under his wing’, certain, as the psalmist was in the midst of all his troubles, of our Father’s love and protection in our own times of uncertainty.

Revd Rosemary