St. Nicholas Church will be open for public worship tomorrow, Sunday 5th July.

Church_news From_the_Vicar Community_news News_about_our_building Notices

8am BCP Communion at St. Nicholas, Sandhurst

10am C/W Communion at St. George's. (Revd David leading; Revd Rosemary preaching.)

But it will not be "back to normal"; there are many restrictions:

- Everyone must hand sanitise on entry and exit

- Everyone must 2m social distance at all times. "Households" can sit together.

- Use alternate pews (Marked with "green tick" and "red cross")

- A register of names of people attending is being kept for 21 days

- If someone is in the "70+" or another "vulnerable, at risk" group, they are advised not to come to church. But it is your choice; you will be very welcome if you do come. (But as part of the Government guidelines we have to advise of the increased risk in an indoor public gathering.)

- Organ music, but no hymns, at the 10 o'clock service

- Communion distribution (wafer only) standing at the chancel step; plus one-way system to return. The priest will wear a face visor during distribution. (Only the priest to receive the wine.)

- Service Booklet to basket when leave. These will be quarantined for at least 48hrs.

- No refreshments or fellowship time after the service, in church nor in the churchyard.

- Exit: St. George's - north and west doors; St. Nicholas - west door.

- Numbers will also be limited. (We estimate that St. George's can seat 60 people in "households" and St. Nicholas 40 at the 2m social distance.)

- Next Sunday, 12th: 8am at St. George's, 10am at St. Nicholas

- A video recording will be made of the live 10 o'clock service; this will be available on YouTube later in the day.

Hopefully we will have some bells rung for 15 minutes before the 10 o'clock service.

I will be leading and presiding and Revd Rosemary will be preaching at both services.

The Risk Assessment will be available on the website, should you wish to read the detail. This will be reviewed, and if necessary amended, after our first services.

I look forward to worshipping God with you tomorrow.

Revd David