Daily Scripture & Reflection

From_the_Vicar Notices

Daily Scripture

‘For you desire no sacrifice, else I would give it; you take no delight in burnt offerings.

The sacrifice of God is a broken spirit; a broken and contrite heart, O God, you will not despise.’ (Psalm 51:17 & 18)

Daily Reflection

Psalm 51 is seen to be David’s plea to God for mercy, forgiveness and to be made clean; he was truly sorry for his adultery with Bathsheba and the killing of her husband, Uriah, in order to cover up his adultery. God forgives us when we come to him with a completely open heart, and a desire to change from our sinful ways. Here David speaks two well-known verses of scripture; they mean that God desires a change of heart within us; that we do not please God by outward actions (however good they might be) if our heart is not right.

Take away, good Lord, the sin that corrupts us; give us the sorrow that heals and the joy that praises, and restore by grace your own image within us. Amen.

Revd David