Daily Scripture & Reflection

From_the_Vicar Notices

Daily Scripture

‘Your word is a lantern to my feet and a light upon my path.(Psalm 119:105)

Daily Reflection

This is a beautiful image in this verse of scripture, and they are reassuring words. The lantern that we carry gives light at our feet so we don’t stumble over things immediately in front of us. The lantern also illuminates the whole path that we are walking so that we know the direction we should be heading in. What is it that helps prevent us from tripping up? “Your word”. But we can walk confidently along without stumbling, but at the same time heading in completely the wrong direction! What is it that helps us walk the right way? “Your word”. What is this thing – Your word – that is so helpful?........It is picking up your Bible and reading some verses of scripture. Make it a habit; it works; it helps..….you’ll see.

Revd David