Daily Scripture & Reflection

From_the_Vicar Notices

Daily Scripture

‘Forget about what’s happened….don’t keep going over old history. See, I am doing something brand new!’ (The Message Bible: Isaiah 43, v18-19)

Daily Reflection

It’s not always good to keep looking back at the past, reliving things that have hurt us, or made us sad. Hope stays alive as we look forward, not back. When we place our hope in God, we take a step up – out of the swamp of our worries and our fears. God, who is able to, so much more than we can ever imagine, is doing something brand new… right now. The Bible tells us that there is a season for all things, and seasons will pass. The old will be replaced with the new, just as winter is replaced with spring - new life and new hope each year. Let hope stay alive in your hearts.

Vicki Young