Daily Scripture & Reflection

From_the_Vicar Notices

Daily Scripture:

“Yes I am coming soon” Amen. Come, Lord Jesus. (Revelation 22 v 20)

Daily Reflection:

Almost two thousand years after this was written in Revelation, we might say that the predicted coming is showing no signs of being anytime soon, so sometimes, when we read these words for the umpteenth time, we might feel our eyes glazing over just a bit. It is all too easy to pour our energies into our own ambitions and aspirations for this life - things we would like to see and do, achieve and experience, without having to think about the second coming of Jesus Christ! But wait we must and wait expectantly - be ready for when he does! We can’t say with any certainty when it will be or what that coming might mean or even how we might recognise it - but when it does happen - we will know for sure!

Lyn Hayes, ALM