Daily Scripture & Reflection

From_the_Vicar Notices

Daily Scripture:

For as by man came death:

by man has come also the resurrection of the dead;

For as in Adam all die:

even so in Christ shall all be made alive. (1 Corinthians 15 v 21-22)

Daily Reflection:

Imagine a world where peace, contentment, love and beauty was all there was to experience. This was the world God created at the beginning of all time for us to enjoy. Sin entered the Garden of Eden when Eve and Adam ate the forbidden fruit encouraged by Satan. The penalty for sin was that man would eventually die.

God loved His creation, His people, so much that He didn't allow Satan to have the last word - He became human in Jesus, stepped down from Heaven and sacrificed Himself on the cross so that death would no longer have the final word. Because of Christ's death and resurrection, we are reconciled to God, and every believer, so the Bible says, can live life to the full on earth and spend eternity with God after death. Today, choose to be alive, really alive - as the verse above promises.

Vicki Young