St Mary's friendly "Gardening for the Soul"

Every Monday at for 2 hours, 30 mins
St Mary's Church, Liscard
Manor Lane / Withens Lane Liscard, CH45 7NQ, United Kingdom

This is a friendly bunch of folks who love gardening or want to learn .
It runs 10 am till 12.30 and there is a light lunch afterwards to enjoy with others , all skill levels learning from each other , come along. we are Eco friendly.

Celtic Morning Prayer 10.30am

Every Wednesday at for 30 mins
St Mary's Church, Liscard
Manor Lane / Withens Lane Liscard, CH45 7NQ, United Kingdom

Just a beautiful time of peace, contemplation and prayer , sharing where we have seen the presence and activity of God in our lives.

11.30am . Warm Lunch in The Round the Back Cafe at St Mary's 11.30-1.30pm

Every Wednesday at for 1 hour
St Mary's Church, Liscard
Manor Lane / Withens Lane Liscard, CH45 7NQ, United Kingdom

This is a friendly space is a place to meet new people, have a cuppa and a warm Lunch. Knit and Natter or just Natter and chill.
We have knitters, crocheters, painters and other crafts and those just like to chat all welcome

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Monthly Prayer Gathering

Monthly. Every Third Thursday at for 1 hour
St Mary's Church, Liscard
Manor Lane / Withens Lane Liscard, CH45 7NQ, United Kingdom

A Monthly Prayer Gathering , praying for our Fellowship and the surrounding community. Prayer is the basis of our lovely Fellowship and keeping short accounts with God is a necessity . Do join us there's always a hot drink and cake/biscuits

Sunday Gathering with Communion

Every Sunday at for 1 hour
St Mary's Church, Liscard
Manor Lane / Withens Lane Liscard, CH45 7NQ, United Kingdom

A warm service with contemporary songs and the sermons are not bad either, all ages and everyone welcome and everyone stays for coffee/tea and cake/biscuits

The Bereavement Journey at St Mary's Liscard , Wallasey

Friday 28 February 2025 at for 2 hours
St Mary's Church, Liscard
Manor Lane / Withens Lane Liscard, CH45 7NQ, United Kingdom

The Bereavement Journey is an award-winning* series of films and discussion groups that gently guide people bereaved at any time through the most common aspects of grief and bereavement, enabling them to process the implications for themselves and discern next steps.

Usually run by churches, the programme uniquely offers a final session on faith questions in bereavement, provided from a Christian perspective. This follows the main sessions and is optional, making The Bereavement Journey suitable for people of any faith or none.

To be arranged 3 times a year

Messy Church - Lets get messy !!!

Sunday 02 February 2025, Sunday 02 March 2025, Sunday 06 April 2025, Sunday 04 May 2025, Sunday 01 June 2025, Sunday 06 July 2025, Sunday 03 August 2025, Sunday 07 September 2025, Sunday 05 October 2025, Sunday 02 November 2025, Sunday 07 December 2025 at for 1 hour, 30 mins
St Mary's Church, Liscard
Manor Lane / Withens Lane Liscard, CH45 7NQ, United Kingdom

Crafts , fun , music and a tea party every month for Primary Children

Seasonal Parties for children who come to Messy with crafts food and fun and good friends

Men's Breakfast

Monthly. Every Third Saturday at for 2 hours
St Mary's Church, Liscard
Manor Lane / Withens Lane Liscard, CH45 7NQ, United Kingdom

This is were we don't just Breakfast we crush it ...a full English Breakfast cooked by our chefs that hit the spot every time. Great food, great chat and a fab morning essential as its popular , booking through here

From 27th January 2024 all at 9.30 start