
We were unable to provide opening hours. Please contact the Church for more information

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St Barnabas' is an Anglican church serving Hattersley Near Manchester. Built in 1965, it has served local residents from the first weekend people moved into Hattersley. We offer a welcoming, secure place where people can explore questions of faith, share faith journeys and explore together what it means to follow Christ.

The church building has recently been renewed following storm damage of January 2005. It is light and airy and the sense of welcome is matched by a warm welcome from the church family.

We wish to keep worship and prayer at the centre of everything we do and encounter the presence and closeness of God in all our services and times together. We seek to listen, hear and learn. We wish to be a church that serves our communities in practical ways and to use our buildings to serve the people of Hattersley and Mottram. We wish to be a church where Jesus' love is seen among us, sharing the joys and sorrows of life and carrying one another's burdens.

Hattersley Road East
SK14 3EQ

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