About Us


We are located in Stockport Old Town immediately opposite the Market Hall on Churchgate.

There has been a church on this site for hundreds of years and St Mary's is the oldest parish church in the Borough - with a long history - yet forward thinking and looking towards the future - as part of the "Parish of Stockport and Brinnington" - along with St Thomas' Church (Stockport) and St Luke's Parish Centre (Brinnington).

Normal Opening times:

Sunday Worship:

11am - church open to the public 10am

Church Open - along with Stockport Heritage Trust

TUESDAY - 10.30am - 2.00pm (cafe closes 1.30pm)

Tuesday Lunch-time service 12.15pm

Church Open - along with Stockport Heritage Trust

Saturday: 10.30am - 2.00pm (cafe closes 1.30pm)


Thursday 10.00am - 1pm (cafe closed)

Everyone welcome -

Food Box available in the tower entrance.