About Us

We are committed to strengthen our communities through effective evangelism, nurturing Christian disciples, deepening fellowship and serving the village communities in which we live. In recognition of the need to equip believers for ministry, lay involvement in all aspects of ministry is growing and seen as a priority for the future. We long to see a core group of deeply committed Christian disciples in each village who are able to share their faith effectively, to lead worship, to feed and nurture others and to live out the love of Christ in their daily lives.

Our commitment to worship -

•through a variety that includes Book of Common Prayer, Common Worship, all-age and family worship, both clergy and lay-led

•with music that is equally varied, from traditional to contemporary

Our commitment to growing as disciples -

•especially through a network of home groups that have mostly grown out of Alpha courses

•through special Lent and Advent courses and quiet days

•through attendance at national Christian conferences such as New Wine and Spring Harvest

Our commitment to prayer -

•through personal and village-based prayer groups and a prayer breakfast

•through a team who lead intercessions in church

Our commitment to sharing the Gospel -

•through personal friendships and involvement in local voluntary organisations, special events and Alpha courses

•formal and informal links with other local churches – Stockton is an Anglican / Methodist LEP, and within the wider deanery

•active work among children and young people, with Mesy Church, clubs and in the local schools

Our commitment to transforming the communities in which we live -

•through support for and involvement in village organisations, schools, local businesses and personal networks

•at our church-based activities such as "Create & Play", "Knit & Natter" and our monthly soup lunches plus lots of social and fundraising events

•many people in each community help to care for the buildings and churchyards, even if they do not come to services

•encouraging marriage and family life through marriage and baptism preparation classes

•through involvement in the activities of the Deanery Mission Team