Our Vicar........One Year On!

Please join us in wishing a very happy anniversary to the Rev Ian Whitehead who was licensed to lead our Churches one year ago tonight. It has been a year of trials for him I am sure, including repeated flooding at South Wingfield, a stone through one of the stained glass windows at Crich and now a virus which has closed the doors on both of our beloved Church buildings.

There have of course been high points including the Rev’s “banana Christingle” which is also my favourite so pictured below!

We are so grateful to Ian and his wonderful wife Christine for sharing themselves with our Church communities through these troubled times whilst bringing incredible moments of God filled joy.

May we share many more times both good and bad with Ian and pray that we will all be physically back together soon. God bless him and Christine.

And as Ian would say MIZPAH!! (The Lord watch between me and thee, when we are absent one from another)

Joanne Morton 

Benefice Secretary