About Us

At the heart of every human being, deep within our DNA, is a yearning to know our place and purpose in the world - the reason for our existence.  In a climate of political instability, uncertainty and the tragedy of innocent human suffering which dominate world news, we are all looking for answer of why we are here.

The common currency of all humanity is ‘hope‘ - we were simply not built to live without it.  At the centre of the Christian faith is Jesus Christ, who, through the power of the Holy Spirit, offers hope to ordinary people by transforming and re-building lives.  We believe Jesus came to help every human being connect their life back to the creator God, and so discover a greater sense of understanding and meaning to life.

As a Christian Church set in the heart of the community of Chapel-en-le-Frith in this most beautiful part of Derbyshire, the gathered church of St Thomas Becket invites you to ‘come and see’ how Jesus can inform and transform – we are here to help you make sense of life and you will find a very warm welcome.


<span style="font-size: 1rem;">10.30am - Alternating each week Holy Communion and Morning Praise </span>

Church is also open every WEDNESDAY from 10.00am to 12.00 for private prayer.