New Vicar appointed.

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At Newbold Parish Church, we are delighted to hear that Rev Rhoda Blackwell, who served her curacy with us, is to be our new Vicar. Her licencing will take place on Wednesday 28th June and we look forward to continuing our ministry together, here in Newbold.

The pictures here demonstrate how Rhoda has thrown herself into the life of the church, including a pet service and Messy Church.

Some of the initiatives in her time as "Curate-in-charge" include recommencing the monthly churchyard tidy-up sessions involving our church and community working together, she has established Messy Church as a monthly event, which welcomes many "non-church going" families, and introduced a "Blue Christmas" service last year, for those who find Christmas a challenging time. Rhoda  also enjoys going into the local schools, especially our linked Church School and is a keen supporter of nature, climate protection projects and our local Foodbank. It is no surprise therefore, that she is well known and liked in the local community as much as in the church and that this news has been welcomed by all.