Easter Eve Combined Service

For the first time since Rev Ed was licensed as Priest in Charge of the Appletree group of churches (Church Broughton with Barton Blount, Boylestone, Hatton and Hilton with Marston-on-Dove), a joint service for the congregations of all four churches was held on Easter Eve (Saturday 8th April) at St Michael’s Church in Church Broughton.

A beautiful liturgical worship service, the event included the Easter Fire, renewal of Baptismal Vows and Blessing of the four Easter Candles for our churches to be used at their home churches on Easter Sunday.

Everyone was asked to bring a noisy instrument such as a football rattle to make as much noise as possible for the Easter Alleluias – and they did not disappoint!

Accompanied by Church Broughton’s resident organist, there was no sermon, just hymns, prayers and readings.

This service was the first combined event since the licensing – and what better occasion than that to celebrate the mysteries of the Resurrection together!

Thank you to everyone who was involved in the service and to all who came along for the joyful celebration of the Resurrection. The church had been beautifully decorated for Easter by local families and groups and we are very grateful for all their hard work and effort.