We welcome everyone to our accessible building and to all our services and events.
As well as Sunday worship, during the week the building is open most days for private prayer, and all day Wednesday for Warm Welcome Hub, Midweek Gathering, and our Breathing Space support group 'Craft & Chat'.
Weekly services in the church (check events page for details and specific dates):
Sunday 9am - Lord's Supper*, and 10:45am Gathering*
Tuesday 8:45am Morning Prayer*
Wednesday 3:45pm Midweek Gathering
* also live streamed on our Facebook page https://facebook.com/alvaston.church/live.
We have a number of different styles and experiences of worship throughout the month, but one Lord and saviour - Jesus Christ.
The Church is not the building, but the people. We seek to bring God's Love, Healing and Scripture to the people of the parish, and make our building a focal point of community life.
Incidentally, Alvaston Parish Church is also known locally, and on some maps, as Alvaston: St. Michaels.
Alvaston Parish Church Charity No. 612310