Facilities and features
There are 3 Toilets
2 at the back of Church and one near the Vestry
There is a Baby Changing area in the Accessible Toilet
A Small car Park directly outside the Church. There is an over-spill car park on hard standing.
At the back of Church
Small Car Park is at the top of the drive and always available for casual visitors. There is a ramp as well as steps up to the Church building.
On Sundays it is understood that parking in the main car park is for those who need accessible parking.
There is a defibrillator located within church
Ramp from the Car Park to the pavement around church.
There is a permanent ramp into church.
There is a loop system for all the seated area within church, including the choir.
There are large print Reading sheets at our main Sunday Worship. Large Print Bible available.
Will always be welcome
We are aware and all are very welcome.
There is ramp access from the car park into the church, The only area in church that is not accessible is the Choir and High altar
Our Building
We hold our Silver Award to A Rocha
Grade II
Music and Worship
There is an active Ringing group with practice on Tuesday nights.
There are also six bells, struck by Taylor's of Loughborough and range from D at 7.5cwt to F at 18.5cwt. They are rung each Sunday, for weddings and funerals, and by visiting bands of ringers. .
We have had the Rolls Royce Band, The Burton concert Band, The Friday Singer and Force 10 Band give concert in St Marks. Keep an eye out for the next concert.
St Mark’s houses the earliest 3 manual organ still surviving in the Diocese of Derby. It was one of the last instruments whose design and construction (in 1870) was personally supervised by Joseph W Walker, founder of the organ-building firm in London. The instrument is described as ‘state of the art’ in the book ‘Historic Organs in Derbyshire’ by Rodney Tomkins, formerly organ adviser to the Derby Diocese, and survives without radical alteration. It is used at regular, weekly services and on other occasions.
Evensong on the 1st Sunday Evening at 18.00. This is normally Sung, with a small choir in attendance.
The Choir is an enthusiastic group of all ages.
They sing at our main Sunday Service at 10.45 each Sunday, and a few come to Evensong on the 1st Sunday.
There is a Choir Practice every Friday night starting at 19.30.
The Choir is robed except for our Family Service where they join the congregation.
Groups, Courses and Activities
There is a monthly Bible Study Group in Church. Contact Vicar for next meeting
Every 4th Saturday from 2.00pm to 4pm there is Afternoon Refreshments.
Enjoy tea served in pots, bone china cups and a large selection of home made cakes.
there are 2nd hand books available and a raffle.
Every Tuesday from 10.00am to 12noon.
Bumps Babies and Beyond.
A chance to meet and chat, with coffee and cake for the adults and snack as appropriate for the children.
Activities a Story and some songs complete the morning.
Help for Visitors
If your dog is friendly so are we.
Other Features
There is a donation point in church for YMCA Burton Food Bank