Sunday Morning Services

Every Sunday at for 1 hour, 15 mins
Christ Church, New Seaham
Station Road New Seaham Sunderland, SR7 0BH, United Kingdom

10am Communion. Join us for a warm welcome, contemporary worship and communion. Staying around for refreshments afterwards is a must!!

Sunday afternoon services

Every Sunday at for 1 hour
Christ Church Hall
Christ Church Hall, Station Road Seaham County Durham, SR7 0BH, United Kingdom

Join us at 5pm for TAKE-5, a welcoming and relaxed, cafe style service held in our Church Hall. We worship and focus on a weekly theme which forms the centre of a time of reflection that suits your style: 'table talk' discussion; guided prayer & activity; or simply an opportunity to soak in worship music... we follow this up with refreshments and cake around a family table - Belong, Believe, Become, Bless.

Church Mice - Christ Church Toddlers

Every Thursday at for 1 hour, 30 mins
Christ Church, New Seaham
Station Road New Seaham Sunderland, SR7 0BH, United Kingdom

Thursdays, 10am - 11.30 am (term time). Bring your 0-3yr olds along for a time of play, refreshments, story and song! It’s also free of charge!

Term time only

The Well

Every Tuesday at for 1 hour, 30 mins
Start date
Please note that this event will not start until
Christ Church Hall
Christ Church Hall, Station Road Seaham, SR7 0BH, United Kingdom

A welcoming and accepting group which will meet weekly from 10am in the church hall - drop in for a cuppa (there's usually cake too!). Table top activities and a separate prayer room open to all.

Friday Prayer Walk

Monthly. Every Second Friday at for 2 hours, 30 mins
Christ Church, New Seaham
Station Road New Seaham Sunderland, SR7 0BH, United Kingdom

Monthly prayer walk. Alternate Fridays through the year. Meet at Christ Church front door for a gentle walk, enjoy fresh air, felllowship, prayer in the woods and a cuppa! Contact Rev'd Anita for further info.