Church Mice - Christ Church Toddlers

Every Thursday at for 1 hour, 30 mins
Christ Church, New Seaham
Station Road New Seaham Sunderland, SR7 0BH, United Kingdom

Thursdays, 10am - 11.30 am (term time). Bring your 0-3yr olds along for a time of play, refreshments, story and song! It’s also free of charge!

Term time only

Sunday Morning Services

Every Sunday at for 1 hour, 30 mins
Christ Church, New Seaham
Station Road New Seaham Sunderland, SR7 0BH, United Kingdom

10am Eucharist. Join us for a warm welcome, contemporary worship and communion. Staying around for refreshments afterwards is a must!!

Sunday afternoon services

Every Sunday at for 1 hour
Christ Church, New Seaham
Station Road New Seaham Sunderland, SR7 0BH, United Kingdom

Join us at 5pm and experience a church service that puts the 'pie' into pioneering!! This relaxed service welcomes families and individuals. We worship and focus on a weekly theme which forms the centre of craft activities, guided prayer stations and an opportunity to soak in worship music... we follow this up with PIE!! Enjoying Sunday tea together around a family table - share faith, share family, share life! This service pauses during August.

Women's Group

Every Tuesday at for 1 hour, 30 mins
Christ Church, New Seaham
Station Road New Seaham Sunderland, SR7 0BH, United Kingdom

Bring along a craft or anything that's keeping your fingers busy... or just bring yourself... to this warm and welcoming group. We meet weekly from 10am to 11.30am - drop in for a cuppa (there's usually cake too!). ps. we aren't exclusively female!

Wednesday Prayer Group

Monthly. Every First Wednesday at for 1 hour
Christ Church, New Seaham
Station Road New Seaham Sunderland, SR7 0BH, United Kingdom

Meet for prayer, communion and fellowship, 10am on the 1st Wednesday of each month.

Friday Prayer Walk

Monthly. Every Second Friday at for 2 hours, 30 mins
Christ Church, New Seaham
Station Road New Seaham Sunderland, SR7 0BH, United Kingdom

Monthly prayer walk. 2nd Friday in each month. Meet at Christ Church front door for a gentle walk, enjoy fresh air, felllowship, prayer in the woods and a cuppa!