Corona Virus

1. Please cleanse your hands on entering and before you leave church.

2. Where refreshments are normally offered these have now to be suspended.

3. Collection of our offertory will now be taken by people leaving their offering in the plates at the back of church.

4. Holy Communion is offered in one kind, i.e. the wafer only, however it must be stressed this is a full communion.

5. Holy Communion, for the time being, will be received by communicants standing at the altar rail.

6. The priest will cleanse his/her hands before the service begins, before celebrating Holy Communion and immediately afterwards. However, if at the moment you prefer not to receive at all, we understand, please simply remain in your seat.

7. Please follow the NHS advice on our posters if you do have cold symptoms and use the bins provided to safely discard used tissues.

8. Please do alert someone if you know of anyone who would benefit from a phone call as pastoral support.

9. The Peace will be shared simply spoken to those nearest to you without any physical touch at all.

10. A simple Morning prayer is available in church for you (or someone you know ) to take, join with us at 8.30am from your home!

11. For the moment worship at St. Francis’ Church is suspended, and the following - Messy Church, Mother and Toddlers, Places of Welcome, (though food will be distributed), Lent Lunch (but the course can continue), Open the Book, Rubicon, NADF service and the services in the nursing homes- all suspended until it is safe to recommence.