Living your faith

Easter 4 – An abundant life

Jesus said ‘I came that they may have life,

and have it abundantly.’ John 10.10

When have you experienced ‘enough with enough to share’?

Does your life offer opportunities for sharing abundance?

Live your faith - While we all feel that we lack ‘abundance’ in areas of our lives, the truth can be a little different. Go through your kitchen cupboards or your wardrobe, and choose something to share through a local food bank or charity shop when the opportunity arises.

A prayer for others - Loving God, in a world that needs a message of life and hope, may your abundant life fill our world, our church and ourselves, in the name of Jesus. Amen.

A personal prayer - Loving God thank you for abundant life; thank you for your generous love. Help me to love generously that others may also experience the abundance of your life. Amen.

© ROOTS for Churches Ltd 2002-2020. Reproduced with permission.

Easter_4_2020_Min, PDF
