Come and join our Eco Team


Here at St Michael’s Heighington we have always been “eco” minded with what we do and how we do it.

For instance, planting wild flowers in the churchyard and timing our grass cutting so they flower and seed, putting up bird and bat boxes and replacing our church internal lights with LED, to name but a few initiatives.

We know we can do more. We are looking to join a national scheme specifically for churches run by A Rocha which is an international charity. Details of scheme can be found at . Churches can register, review their activities and then apply for an award, either bronze, silver or gold and then work to progress to the next level. The charity also provides lots of information and articles to support churches in their work. In addition, member churches are encouraged to network with each other to share best practice and encouragement.

We have started an Eco Team and are looking for further volunteers. Could it be you? Do want to know more? Then please contact any of the clergy, churchwardens or myself for further information

Andrew Maxwell. 07923302191