
The Parochial Church Council of Stockton Country Parish is committed to creating and maintaining a safe and nurturing environment for everyone, especially for children, young people and vulnerable adults. It has adopted and approved the Church of England policy for promoting a safer church. This policy deals with all aspects of safeguarding children and vulnerable adults. A full text can be found here Safeguarding and Abuse Concerns | Durham Diocese

The parish includes the churches and communities of St John Stillington, St James Thorpe Thewles, St Cuthbert Redmarshall, St Peter Bishopton, All Saints Great Stainton, and Wynyard Park Chapel.

To discuss any safeguarding concerns relating to Stockton Country Parish please contact either

- the Parish Safeguarding Officer, Eric Smalley, 01740 631709 [email protected]

- the Parish Priest, Rev Claire Gibbs, 07857923151 [email protected]

Concerns can also be raised with the Diocesan Safeguarding Advisor, Mrs Beth Miller - she can be contacted as follows:

Address: Cuthbert House, Stonebridge, Durham DH1 3RY

Email: [email protected].<wbr>uk or beth.miller@durham.<wbr>

Mobile: 07968 034075

For further information please also see the Diocese of Durham safeguarding pages:<wbr>category/safeguarding/)

Safeguarding_Policy_January_2021_PknXy2D, PDF
