Facilities and features
In nearby church hall including a disabled toilet
In nearby church hall
Available in front of church
In nearby church hall
Car parking is available in front of the church.
Car parking is available behind the church hall. It is not available on a daily basis. It is secured by a gate.
A defibrillator is available on the wall next to the front door of the church hall.
Mobile ramp available for wheelchair users at the entrance to the church
A hearing aid induction loop is available in the church. To access set your hearing aid to T.
The church is dementia aware.
The church hall has easy access for wheel chair users to the rear of the building via a side gate.
Our Building
We have now reached Bronze Award status
The present church, early English in style, was built in 1759, but preceded by an older medieval if not Saxon church. The first mention of the church at Lamesley was recorded in 1297 when it was a "chapel of ease" of the Parish Church of Chester - le -Street.
The Liddell family ,Barons and Earls of Ravensworth were great benefactors and patrons of the church and were responsible for the building of the present church.
Music and Worship
Holy communion service alternate Sundays is accompanied by Vincent our excellent organist. On the few occasions when Vincent is not available recorded music is relayed through the loudspeaker system.
The church uses 'Common Worship'.
Groups, Courses and Activities
Lamesley child care provides before and after school care in the local schools. During school holidays Lamesley childcare operates out of the church hall and surrounding garden.
Our Wednesday morning service incorporates a short bible study within the sermon.
Coffee, tea and biscuits are provided in the church hall after the Sunday Service.
Coffee and biscuits are available in the vestry after the Wednesday morning service.
The annual summer fayre is usually held on a Saturday in June at 2pm. Tea, coffee, soft drinks, cakes are on sale. A variety of stalls and of course the raffle and tombola.
The autumn, winter fayre is usually held on a Saturday in November at 2pm. It follows a similar format with seasonal additions.
The church has links with Kibblesworth Academy. Volunteers from the congregation offer support in areas identified by the school.
A litter picking group of church members meets every second Thursday in the month at 10:15 St Andrew's church car park. Resources are supplied by Gateshead council. Filled bags are picked up by the council.
You can contact Joan Alexanders on
07957871375 for further information.
Nellie Fitness takes place in the church hall on Tuesday evenings. For more details contact the Nellie fitness website or Facebook page.
Lamesley Child Care provides holiday activities in the church hall and surrounding garden.
'Messy Monkeys' , a baby and toddler activity is due to start in May on Thursday mornings.
For more details contact them on their website or Facebook page.
Art adventurers, a baby and toddler activity take place in the church hall on Tuesdays from 10:00 till 1:00 PM.
For more details contact their website or Facebook page.
A pastoral group regularly contacts church members who are unable to attend church whatever the reason.
Help for Visitors
Free wifi is available in the church hall.
As part of the National curriculum groups of children from neighbouring schools visit the church . Members of the congregation accompany the children and teachers around the church to further their knowledge of the artefacts and liturgy. Visitors from other areas are also welcome to tour the church. An appointment would be necessary as the church is not open daily.
A pamphlet giving a short guided tour of St Andrew's is available on the table to the left of the font.
Other Features
The church supports Gateshead Foodbank. A member of the congregation delivers the donations to the Foodbank.
Applications are currently closed on the website for volunteers at the Distribution centre. Please keep checking the site for new positions becoming available.
The main involvement is with 'Durham Wildlife Trust' who manage Lamesley Pastures Nature Reserve opposite the church. The Trust is currently working with the PMC group on developing a wildlife corridor, including the re-wildingof part of the church yard. All work is subject to restrictions laid down by the 'Lamesley Conservation Management Strategy'. St Andrew's is also a listed building which comes with its own restrictions .
If you are interested in hiring the hall for a private event please contact
01914419005 for details of prices and availability.
Church social activities are booked into the hall when requested.