Our next coffee morning will be held on Saturday 12th October from 10.30am - 12.00noon.We'd love to you see you for a coffee and delicious cakes. All proceeds in aid of the Knapwell Church Restoration Fund.
All Saints, Knapwell are raising funds to rebuild the organ chamber following subsidence and the risk of collapsing on the rear south wall which is being assisted with the aid of a grant of £3,000 and a loan of £20,000 provided by CamHCT.The Trust offers grants and loans to help congregations look after their historic places of worship. Its main source of income, apart from membership is the annual 'Ride & Stride'. Each September, sponsored cyclists and walkers visit churches, chapels and colleges throughout Cambridgeshire, sharing the money raised between the Trust and their local church.Details of the Trust's work can be found at www.camhct.uk